Theatre Lab Company Workshop Programme

The Theatre Lab Company Workshop Programme is a three year programme of intensive weekend workshops that run for 10 weekends per year.

Please note that our workshops have been postponed at this time because of the Coronavirus crisis and current lockdown. We will be in contact with any updates as soon as we have any further information.  

Year 3: 2019-2020 :A Wider Knowledge of Theatre

5/6 October: Introducing the Great Masters of Theatre: Peter Brook, Robert Lepage,    Grotowski, Ariane Mnouchkine, Augusto Boal, Eugenio Barba
2/3 November:  Voice – Characters have their own voice: Different every time. Vocal landscapes, sound baths, vocal variation and range
7/8 December:  Edgar Allan Poe – In the bleak midwinter: Gothic creatures, elves, ravens and fantasyland
18/19 January:  The theatrical adaptations of Frankenstein ( Mary Shelley) and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde  (Robert Louis Stevenson)
22/23 February: Luigi Pirandello (Six Characters in Search of an Author) and  (Tonight We Improvise) and  Eugene Ionesco (Rhinoceros)
14/15 March:  Faust – Goethe
4/5 April:  Comedy
2/3 May:  Greek myths
30/31 May:  Experiencing Bare Necessities (by the nature camping)
13/14 June:  Famous Monologues

Year 2: 2018-2019: The Classical Repertoire

6/7 October: Anton Chekhov
17/18 November: Federico García Lorca
1/2 December: Henrik Ibsen
12/13 January: Tennessee Williams
2/3 February: Molière
2/3 March: William Shakespeare
30/31 March: Bertolt Brecht
13/14 April: Euripides
4/5 May: August Strindberg
1/2 June: Samuel Beckett

Year 1: 2017-2018: An introduction to theatre and the Theatre Lab Company method

30/1October: The Palace of Memories
4/5 November: Contemporary Nomads
9/10 December: Boxes with Secrets
13/14 January: The Charismatic Actor
17/18 February: Chorus
17/18 March: Reality and Imagination
21/22 April: Theatre Lab Storytelling Technique
19/20 May: Laughter and Comedy
9/10 June: The Actor in the Space
23/24 June Emotional Intelligence in Theatre